Source code for binaryai.binaryai_file

from typing import Dict, Iterator, List

from binaryai.client import BinaryAI
from binaryai.component import Component
from binaryai.compressed_file import CompressedFile
from binaryai.cve import CVE
from binaryai.function import Function, MatchedFunction
from binaryai.license import License

[docs] class BinaryAIFile(object): """BinaryAIFile represent the file already analyzed by BinaryAI. Users can receive the detailed results by using this conveniently. Note: This is not thread safe!!! """ def __init__(self, bai: BinaryAI, sha256: str = None, md5: str = None) -> None: if sha256 is None and md5 is None: raise ValueError("sha256 and md5 can not empty simultaneously") if sha256 is None: self.sha256 = bai.get_sha256(md5) else: self.sha256 = sha256 self.md5 = md5 self._bai = bai
[docs] def get_filenames(self) -> List[str]: """Get all uploaded filenames. Returns: List[str]: A list of filenames. """ return self._bai.get_filenames(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_mime_type(self) -> str: """Get MIME type Returns: str: MIME type string. """ return self._bai.get_mime_type(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_size(self) -> int: """Get size in bytes. Returns: int: File size in bytes. """ return self._bai.get_size(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_compressed_files(self) -> List[CompressedFile]: """Get a list of files inside a compressed file identified. Returns: List[CompressedFile]: A list of compressed files. """ return self._bai.get_compressed_files(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_all_cves(self) -> List[CVE]: """Get all CVEs. Returns: List[str]: A list of CVE objects. """ return self._bai.get_all_cves(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_all_cve_names(self) -> List[str]: """Get all CVE names. Returns: List[str]: A list of CVE names. """ return self._bai.get_all_cve_names(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_all_licenses(self) -> List[License]: """Get all licenses. Returns: List[str]: A list of license objects. """ return self._bai.get_all_licenses(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_all_license_short_names(self) -> List[str]: """Get all license short names. Returns: List[str]: A list of license short names. """ return self._bai.get_all_license_short_names(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_all_ascii_strings(self) -> List[str]: """Get all ASCII strings. Returns: List[str]: A list of ASCII strings. """ return self._bai.get_all_ascii_strings(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_sca_result(self) -> List[Component]: """Get SCA result. Returns: List[Component]: A list of sortware components. """ return self._bai.get_sca_result(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_overview(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Fetch analysis overview. Returns: Dict[str, str]: A key-value pair containing overview of the file """ return self._bai.get_overview(self.sha256)
[docs] def list_func_offset(self) -> List[int]: """Fetch offsets of functions. Returns: List[int]: A list of function offsets """ return self._bai.list_func_offset(self.sha256)
[docs] def list_funcs(self) -> Iterator[Function]: """Parses the list of functions and returns a Function instance containing the given function's name, fileoffset, bytes, pseudocode and returns the list with a generator. Returns: Iterator[Function]: A Function iterator """ return self._bai.list_funcs(self.sha256)
[docs] def get_func_info(self, offset: int, with_embedding: bool = False) -> Function: """Fetch detailed information about the given function identified by its offset address. Params: offset: Offset address of desired function with_embedding: if True, try get the embedding representation of each function. Returns: Function: A Function instance containing the given function's name, fileoffset, bytes, pseudocode """ return self._bai.get_func_info(self.sha256, offset, with_embedding)
[docs] def get_funcs_info(self, offset: List[int], with_embedding: bool = False) -> Iterator[Function]: """Fetch detailed information about the given functions identified by its offset address. Params: offset: List of offset address of desired function with_embedding: if True, try get the embedding representation of each function. Returns: Iterator[Function]: A iterator Functions instance containing the given function's name, fileoffset, bytes, pseudocode. """ return self._bai.get_funcs_info(self.sha256, offset, with_embedding)
[docs] def get_func_match(self, offset: int) -> List[MatchedFunction]: """Match functions about the given function identified by its offset address. Params: offset: Offset address of desired function Returns: List[MatchedFunction]: a List containing 10 match results, every result is a Dict the contains score and pseudocode. The List is sorted by score from high to low. """ return self._bai.get_func_match(self.sha256, offset)
[docs] def get_khash_info(self) -> tuple[bytes, str]: """Return the KHash of this file. See website for detailed introduction on KHash. Returns: Tuple[bytes, str]: KHash's value and version. Only compare if version is same. """ return self._bai.get_khash_info(self.sha256)