Source code for binaryai.client

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import binascii
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
from importlib.metadata import version
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import httpx

from binaryai import client_stub
from binaryai.component import Component
from binaryai.compressed_file import CompressedFile
from binaryai.exceptions import FileNotExistError
from binaryai.function import Function, MatchedFunction
from binaryai.license import License
from binaryai.upload import Uploader
from binaryai.utils import QCloudHttpxAuth

SDK_VERSION = version("binaryai")

# Default constance SDK name string

# Default interval in seconds for polling GraphQL endpoint

# Default timeout in seconds for polling GraphQL endpoint

# A request source header map
    "x-request-tags": DEFAULT_SDK_NAME,
    "user-agent": f"python-httpx/{httpx.__version__} (python; {DEFAULT_SDK_NAME}/{SDK_VERSION})",

# Default GraphQL transport

# Default license list separator

[docs] class BinaryAI(object): """BinaryAI client used to interact with servers. Users can receive upload, do analysis, and receive the detailed results by using this client. Note: Since the transport session/connection under the hood will be use one at a time, this class is NOT THREAD SAFE. """ def __init__( self, *, secret_id: Optional[str] = os.environ.get("BINARYAI_SECRET_ID"), secret_key: Optional[str] = os.environ.get("BINARYAI_SECRET_KEY"), endpoint: str = os.environ.get("BINARYAI_ENDPOINT") or DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, ) -> None: super().__init__() if not (secret_id and secret_key): raise ValueError("Please set secret id and key in your code or environ") if not endpoint: raise ValueError("Please set endpoint, or leave it as empty if you have no idea") transport = httpx.HTTPTransport( verify=True, retries=3, ) auth = QCloudHttpxAuth( secret_id, secret_key, urlparse(endpoint).netloc, # netloc is real host header "ap-shanghai", "binaryai", "BinaryAI", "2023-04-15", ) self._http_client = httpx.Client(auth=auth, transport=transport, headers=HEADER_REQUEST_SOURCE) self._client = client_stub.Client(url=endpoint, http_client=self._http_client) self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def upload( self, filepath: Optional[str] = None, *, mem: Optional[bytes] = None, hooks: Optional[Dict] = None, sha256: Optional[str] = None, md5: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Uploads a file to server. At least one of following input should be not None: * File upload: fill `filepath` for the file to be upload on the disk * Memory upload: `mem` for the file to be upload in the memory If you only have the hash, you can try to fill `sha256` and `md5`, but the error FileRequiredError might be raised. Hash is ignored if file is already provided through `filepath` or `mem. When multiple hashes provided, only use sha256. Memory upload, hash upload and `hooks` are experimental features. They might be changed without noticed. Args: filepath(Optional): A pathname to a given file for file upload. mem(Optional): A byte buffer for a file in memory to be upload. hooks(Optional): A dict to modify arguments before certain operations. sha256(Optional): A string for hash upload. md5(Optional): A string for hash upload. Returns: A actual sha256 that server calculates and returns. """ uploader = Uploader(self._client, filepath=filepath, mem=mem, hooks=hooks, sha256=sha256, md5=md5) return uploader.upload()
[docs] def _reanalyze(self, sha256: str): """Reanalyze target file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. """ req = client_stub.ReanalyzeInput(sha256=sha256) return self._client.reanalyze(req).reanalyze
[docs] def wait_until_analysis_done( self, sha256: str, timeout: int = DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEOUT, interval: int = DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, ): """Wait until having a latest stable result, by waiting for if all analysis on this file done. You can set the wait timeout in seconds. If no stable results available after timeout, a TimeoutError is raised. If parts being waitied are failed instead of succeed, this function will *not* raise any exception. To get detailed info about status, call `get_analyze_status`. For analyze in parallel, consider call this function in a seperate thread, since this function is wait by calling `threaing.Event`. This function's implementation is a good reference of judging if a file is finished analyzing. Args: sha256: File sha256 sum. timeout(int): maxium wait time in seconds. If negative, wait forever. interval(int): pool interval in seconds. Raise error if not positive. """ if interval <= 0: raise ValueError("interval should be positive") # TODO: We want a new mutation method, which works like auto reanalyze, and also return # if a new analyze is started. For now, we use fields in query to trigger it. The new # method can avoid waiting by counting succeed results and make implementation more elegant. # The new method can be provided in future versions by changing behaviour of `reanalyze`. sleeper = threading.Event() wait_since = time.time() while timeout < 0 or (time.time() - wait_since) < timeout: resp = self._reanalyze(sha256) if not resp: raise FileNotExistError("File not found") reason = resp.noop_reason if not reason:"noopReason does not exist, seems a new analysis started") elif reason in [client_stub.NoopReason.WouldNotChange, client_stub.NoopReason.RateLimited]:"noopReason is {}, consider as done".format(reason)) break else:"noopReason is {}, seems still running".format(reason)) sleeper.wait(interval) else: raise TimeoutError("analysis still not in finished result after timeout")
[docs] def get_analyze_status(self, sha256: str) -> Dict: """Return current state of each analyzers. Read API document about relationship between analyzer and results. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. """ resp = self._client.check_state(sha256).file if resp is None: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists, or never analyzed") beatStatus = None if resp.smart_beat_status: beatStatus = resp.smart_beat_status.status binaryStatus = None if resp.smart_binary_status: binaryStatus = resp.smart_binary_status.status return { "smartBinary": binaryStatus, "smartBeat": beatStatus, }
[docs] def get_sha256(self, md5: str) -> str: """Get file sha256 by its md5. Args: md5: File md5 hash. Returns: str: File sha256sum. """ f = self._client.sha_256(md5).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") return f.sha_256
[docs] def get_filenames(self, sha256: str) -> List[str]: """Get all uploaded filenames for a given file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. Returns: List[str]: A list of filenames. """ f = self._client.filename(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") return
[docs] def get_mime_type(self, sha256: str) -> str: """Get MIME type for a given file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. Returns: str: MIME type string. """ f = self._client.mime_type(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") return f.mime_type
[docs] def get_size(self, sha256: str) -> int: """Get size in bytes of a given file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. Returns: int: File size in bytes. """ f = self._client.file_size(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") return f.size
[docs] def get_compressed_files(self, sha256: str) -> List[CompressedFile]: """Get a list of files inside a compressed file identified by a sha256. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. Returns: int: File size in bytes. """ f = self._client.compressed_file(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") file_list = [] for compressed_file in f.decompressed or []: if compressed_file: file_list.append( CompressedFile( path=compressed_file.path, sha256=compressed_file.sha_256, ) ) return file_list
[docs] def get_all_cve_names(self, sha256: str) -> List[str]: """Get all CVE names for a given file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. """ f = self._client.cve_name(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") cve_list = [] for elem in f.scainfo or []: for mapping in elem.cves or []: cve_list.append( return cve_list
[docs] def get_all_licenses(self, sha256: str) -> List[License]: """Get all licenses for a given file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. Returns: List[str]: A list of license string. """ f = self._client.license(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") license_list = [] for mapping in f.scainfo or []: for item in mapping.licenselist or []: d = { "full_name": item.full_name, "short_name": item.short_name, "content": item.content, "risk": item.risk, "tags": item.tags, "source": item.source, "url": item.url, "extra": item.extra, "is_pass": item.pass_, "check_reason": item.checkreason, } license_list.append(License(**d)) return license_list
[docs] def get_all_license_short_names(self, sha256: str) -> List[str]: """Get all license short names for a given file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. Returns: List[str]: A list of license short names. """ f = self._client.license_short_name(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") license_list = [] for elem in f.scainfo or []: # value of "license" is a string joined by comma license_short_names = elem.license if license_short_names: license_list.extend(license_short_names.split(DEFAULT_LICENSE_SEPARATOR)) return license_list
[docs] def get_all_ascii_strings(self, sha256: str) -> List[str]: """Get all ASCII strings for a given file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. Returns: List[str]: A list of ASCII strings. """ f = self._client.ascii_string(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") if f.executable and f.executable.ascii_strings: return f.executable.ascii_strings else: return []
[docs] def get_sca_result(self, sha256: str) -> List[Component]: """Get SCA result for a given file. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. Returns: List[Component]: A list of software components. """ f = if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists or no permission") component_list = [] for elem in f.scainfo or []: component_list.append( Component(, version=elem.version, description=elem.description, source_code_url=elem.source_code_url, summary=elem.summary, ) ) return component_list
[docs] def get_overview(self, sha256: str) -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]: """Fetch analysis overview from BinaryAI Beat server by file's sha256. Returns: A key-value pair containing overview of the binary file """ f = self._client.overview(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists") if not f.decompile_result: return {} basicInfo = f.decompile_result.basic_info return ( { "fileType": basicInfo.file_type, "machine": basicInfo.machine, "platform": basicInfo.platform, "endian": basicInfo.endian, "loader": basicInfo.loader, "entryPoint": int(basicInfo.entry_point), "baseAddress": int(basicInfo.base_address), } if basicInfo else {} )
[docs] def list_func_offset(self, sha256: str) -> List[int]: """Fetch offsets of functions from analysis. Returns: list of function offset """ f = self._client.function_list(sha256).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists") decompileResult = f.decompile_result func_list = None if not decompileResult else decompileResult.functions offset_list = [] for func in func_list or []: offset_list.append(int(func.offset)) return offset_list
[docs] def list_funcs(self, sha256: str, batch_size: int = 32) -> Iterator[Function]: """Parses the list of functions and returns a Function instance containing the given function's name, fileoffset, bytes, pseudocode and returns the list with a generator. Args: sha256: File sha256sum. batch_size: Batch size to get functions' info Returns: Function Iterator """ offset_list = self.list_func_offset(sha256)"found {} functions".format(len(offset_list))) if not offset_list: return [] if not batch_size or batch_size < 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid batch size: {batch_size}") yield from self._get_funcs_info(sha256, offset_list, batch_size)
[docs] def get_func_info(self, sha256: str, offset: int, with_embedding: bool = False) -> Function: """Fetch detailed information about the given function identified by its offset address. Params: offset: offset address of desired function Returns: Function instance containing the given function's name, fileoffset, bytes, pseudocode """ f = self._client.function_info(sha256, offset, with_embedding).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists") decompileResult = f.decompile_result func = None if not decompileResult else decompileResult.function return ( Function(, int(func.offset), (None if not func.pseudo_code else func.pseudo_code.code), (None if not func.embedding else func.embedding.vector), ) if func else None )
[docs] def get_funcs_info( self, sha256: str, offsets: List[int], batch_size: int = 32, with_embedding: bool = False ) -> Iterator[Function]: """Fetch detailed information about the given functions identified by its offset address. Params: offsets: A list of offset addresses of desired functions batch_size: Batch size to get functions' info. Returns: Function iterator Raises: ValueError: invalid batch size """ if not offsets: return [] if not batch_size or batch_size < 0: raise ValueError(f"invalid batch size: {batch_size}") return self._get_funcs_info(sha256, offsets, batch_size, with_embedding)
[docs] def _get_funcs_info( self, sha256: str, offsets: List[int], step: int = 32, with_embedding: bool = False ) -> Iterator[Function]: """Get functions' info in batches""" for i in range(0, len(offsets), step): f = self._client.functions_info(sha256, with_embedding, offsets[i : i + step]).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists") decompileResult = f.decompile_result funcs = None if not decompileResult else decompileResult.functions if not funcs: return [] yield from [ Function(, int(func.offset), (None if not func.pseudo_code else func.pseudo_code.code), (None if not func.embedding else func.embedding.vector), ) for func in funcs ]
[docs] def get_func_match(self, sha256: str, offset: int) -> List[MatchedFunction]: """Match functions about the given function identified by its offset address. Params: offset: offset address of desired function Returns: a List containing 10 match results, every result is a Dict the contains score and pseudocode. The List is sorted by score from high to low """ f = self._client.function_match(sha256, offset).file if not f: raise FileNotExistError("File not exists") decompileResult = f.decompile_result func = None if not decompileResult else decompileResult.function if not func: return [] matched_func_list = [] for item in func.match: matched_func = MatchedFunction( score=item.score, code=(None if not item.function else item.function.code), ) matched_func_list.append(matched_func) return matched_func_list
[docs] def get_khash_info(self, sha256: str) -> Optional[tuple[bytes, str]]: """Return the KHash of this file. See website for detailed introduction on KHash. Returns: Optional[Tuple[bytes, str]]: KHash's value and version. Only compare if version is same. You are not expected to parse version. """ m = self._client.file_k_hash(sha256) if not m.file: return None if not m.file.decompile_result: return None if not m.file.decompile_result.k_hash_info: return None # wiring protocol of hash value is a hex sequence return ( binascii.unhexlify(m.file.decompile_result.k_hash_info.hash.hash), m.file.decompile_result.k_hash_info.hash.version, )