Source code for binaryai.upload

import hashlib
import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, Optional

import httpx

from binaryai import client_stub
from binaryai.exceptions import FileRequiredError
from binaryai.utils import sha256sum

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Uploader(object): """ Uploads a file to server. See `binaryai.BinaryAI.upload` for detail. """ def __init__( self, client: client_stub.Client, *, filepath: Optional[str] = None, mem: Optional[bytes] = None, hooks: Optional[Dict] = None, sha256: Optional[str] = None, md5: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Initialize an uploader instance. Detail usage are listed in `binaryai.BinaryAI.upload`. Params: client: gql Client """ self._client = client self._hooks: Dict = hooks or {} self._sha256 = sha256 self._md5 = md5 if not self._sha256 else None self._filename: Optional[str] = None self._filepath = filepath self._mem = mem if filepath and mem: raise ValueError("providing both filepath and mem is nonsense") if filepath: if not self._filename: self._filename = os.path.split(self._filepath)[-1] self._sha256 = sha256sum(filepath) self._md5 = None elif mem: self._sha256 = hashlib.sha256(self._mem).hexdigest() self._md5 = None if not self._sha256 and not self._md5: raise ValueError("no info provided, at least have one meaningful value")
[docs] def upload(self) -> str: """ Starts the upload sequence. """ ticket = self.__create_ticket(filename=self._filename, sha256=self._sha256, md5=self._md5) ticket_type = ticket.typename__ if ticket_type == "File": return ticket.sha_256 reply_pos = None if ticket_type == "OwnershipTicket":"calculate pos") reply_pos = self.__reply_ticket_pos(ticket) elif ticket_type == "UploadTicket":"uploading file") self.__reply_ticket_upload(ticket) else: raise ValueError("unknown upload type, upgrade SDK or contact developers") ticket_id = ticket.ticket_id"creating file") req = client_stub.CreateFileInput(ticketID=ticket_id, ownershipPoS=reply_pos) verify_response = self._client.create_file(req) return verify_response.create_file.sha_256
def __create_ticket( self, *, filename: Optional[str] = None, sha256: Optional[str] = None, md5: Optional[str] = None ): """ Checks if file exists on FileManager with filename and file's hashsum. """ req = client_stub.CreateUploadTicketInput(name=filename, sha256=sha256, md5=md5) try: response = self._client.check_or_upload(req) except client_stub.GraphQLClientGraphQLMultiError as err: # If only md5 is provided, the error is hash missing is_hash_missing = False for e in err.errors: if "No hash provided" in e.message: is_hash_missing = True break if is_hash_missing: raise FileRequiredError("File upload need a file to continue") from None raise return response.create_upload_ticket def __reply_ticket_pos(self, ticket: client_stub.CheckOrUploadCreateUploadTicketOwnershipTicket): """ Calculate the POS argument """ assert ticket.typename__ == "OwnershipTicket" secret_prepend = ticket.secret_prepend secret_append = ticket.secret_append assert secret_prepend and secret_append if not self._filepath and not self._mem: raise FileRequiredError("PoS verify need a file to continue") hasher = hashlib.sha256() hasher.update(secret_prepend.encode()) if self._mem: hasher.update(self._mem) else: with open(self._filepath, "rb", buffering=0) as upload_file: file_size =, os.SEEK_END), os.SEEK_SET) if file_size < 16: hasher.update(b"\x04" * min(16 - file_size, 8)) while True: chunk = if not chunk: break hasher.update(chunk) if file_size < 8: hasher.update(b"\x95" * min(8 - file_size, 8)) hasher.update(secret_append.encode()) return hasher.hexdigest().lower() def __reply_ticket_upload(self, ticket: client_stub.CheckOrUploadCreateUploadTicketUploadTicket): """ Uploads file to FileManager. """ assert ticket.typename__ == "UploadTicket" if not self._filepath and not self._mem: raise FileRequiredError("File upload need a file to continue") if self._hooks.get("upload_ticket"): ticket = self._hooks["upload_ticket"](ticket) auth_header = {kv.key: kv.value for kv in ticket.request_headers} with httpx.Client() as upload_client: if self._mem: upload_client.put(url=ticket.url, headers=auth_header, content=self._mem) else: with open(self._filepath, "rb") as upload_file: upload_client.put(url=ticket.url, headers=auth_header, content=upload_file)